Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Using Vintage Sign Letters for Decor

Home Decor
I was obsessed with finding a vintage letter from an old building but wasn't willing to spend a lot on one.  I finally found this "C" at a resale shop in downtown Franklin, TN.  This place was awesome and had letters from floor to ceiling in the glass window. The lady was also extremely reasonable for $40.  Some of these letters go for over $100 online.  
The letter had some marks so I cleaned it up with vinegar and blue dawn soap (The best cleaning solution I have found!).  This isn't exactly the perfect place for the letter but for right now, I think that it works okay.  I love trying to mix in vintage pieces with newer pieces.  I made all of the artwork and the wooden candleholder is from westelm.  P.S. The artwork in the middle is a trash bag that was used to spray paint my DIY plumbing parts.  I loved the way that it looked so I decided to frame it.  Feel free to comment if you have any questions or would like a DIY of any of the artwork pieces!
Home Decor