Thursday, September 5, 2013

DIY Artwork

This DIY project was really quick and easy once I created the stencils.  Even the stencils were fairly easy to create since they are all symmetrical.  These were cheap artwork pieces that were really outdated so I did not hesitate to paint over them to create a new artwork project.
I started by coating the pictures with a few coats of white gloss spray paint that had a built in primer.  Then I started on the stencils.  I ripped out a few magazine pages because I couldn't find any other paper.  Then I cut them to the size of one of the square picture.  I folded the paper in half because each of the images are symmetrical when they are cut in half.  Then I focused on tracing half of the image by cutting the image off on my computer.  For some reason when you are only focusing on one aspect of the image it is considerably easier to draw.  Here is how the stencils should look folded in half and then opened.

After I made all of the stencils, I then traced them onto the wood pieces.  Then I colored them in with acrylic paint and coated them with clear gloss to create shine and protect the color.  Please comment if you have any questions about this DIY project!