Sunday, June 2, 2013

African Juju Hat

Hello everyone, here is my next post.  This is one of my favorite art projects that I have done.  It is my version of the African Juju hat and the materials cost less than $10!  The Juju hats are beautiful but they cost a fortune, which I cannot afford.  I began by creating the toilet paper art, which is shown in the image below.

The toilet paper art is created by simply cutting toilet paper and paper towel rolls.  I tried to cut around the 2" mark and then hot glued them into a circle shape.  Once I finished, I glued the toilet paper art onto a piece of cardboard for more strength.  I bought 4 packs of White feather fluff
@ $1.99 each and starting hot gluing.  I began working at the outer edge and worked my way to the center and then filled in any holes or spaces.  I also glued feathers on the edge to make sure that the cardboard didn't show.  I hot glued two sawtooths to the back so that I could hang the art on the wall. Below is another finished photo of this project.  Please feel free to comment with any questions. Thanks!